Publication Call, Vol 4 Issue 1, June 2023

Submission Period: 1 December 2022 - 30 May 2023

The Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal would like to publish your research paper. The visibility and prestige of papers published in BANRJ are unparalleled.
Manuscripts should be submitted to our OJS server. Manuscripts should be submitted as Microsoft Word documents to However, if you have any problems doing so, please don't hesitate to contact us on WhatsApp on the right menu.
Please contact us at the e-mail addresses above or WhatsApp on the right menu if you need further clarification. Our system allowed authors to easily upload files for their articles and track their progress during the review process.
Please sign up to be an author and then log in to submit your work. To begin, select "New Submission" from the main menu. Next, submit your revised manuscript by clicking the button and following the on-screen instructions. Acceptance It is the responsibility of the editorial board to inform you of your article's acceptance or rejection following submission and after it has been reviewed and evaluated. After the paper is published, a certificate of publication will be sent to the author(s).