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Introduction: The quality of healthcare services is a crucial factor in the success of a hospital. Healthcare services are considered high-quality when they generate satisfaction for the patients served. This research aims to identify factors related to patient satisfaction with laboratory services. Methods: The research used a quantitative approach with a correlational research design and a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling. The sample size used in this research is 98 patients. The instrument used in this study is a patient satisfaction questionnaire consisting of 25 items. The questionnaire has been validated and has good reliability, with validity test values ranging from 0.477 to 0.980 and a reliability value of 0.913. Data processing in this research uses Chi-square and Rank Spearman tests. Results: The results of the study indicate that there is no relationship between age (p=0.100), gender (p=0.133), education (p=0.594), marital status (p=0.151), and occupation (p=0.155) with patient satisfaction. Conclusion: It can be concluded that age, gender, education, marital status, and occupation do not have a significant relationship with patient satisfaction with the services provided.

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How to Cite
Wangi, N. P. A. C., Prihatiningsih, D., Nopita Wati, N. M., Cahyani, A. A. A. E., & Yanti, N. L. G. P. (2023). Determinants Factors Related to Patient Satisfaction with Laboratory Services at Permata Hati General Hospital. Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal, 4(2), 77-84.


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